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Spirocore Viola Tungsten C String - Stark

  • Precio: 45.92 USD
  • Fabricante: Thomastik-Infeld
  • Marca: Spirocore
  • Instrument: Viola
  • Material: Acero, Tungsteno
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • Calibre: Stark
  • # Producto: SP29H

  • Spirocore Viola String, Tungsten C - Stark de Thomastik-Infeld.

Spirocore strings are a technological advancement over conventional rope-core strings because they have a more flexible spiral core made of steel, creating a higher period of vibration than other rope core strings.

The hi-tech core makes for effortless fingering, responsive bowing, stable tuning and a very long string life. The Spirocore viola G string is available in Chrome and Silver; the C is available in Chrome, Silver, or Tungsten.

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Spirocore Viola Tungsten C String - Stark

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