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Rondo Viola String - D - Medium

  • Precio: 34.65 USD
  • Fabricante: Thomastik-Infeld
  • Marca: Rondo
  • Instrument: Viola
  • Material: Chromium Wound, Sintético
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: STR22

  • Rondo Viola String, - D - Medium de Thomastik-Infeld.

The Thomastik-Infeld Rondo Viola D string (RO22) has a warm and focused sound with a great modulation capacity. Due to its well-balanced properties, it creates a smooth transition between the A and G strings.

Rondo viola strings have a beautiful warm sound and a quick bow response. The set is very powerful with great projection and an outstanding ability to modulate sound colors. These characteristics combined with its easy playability and great tuning stability make it a preferred choice for professional musicians.

Rondo viola strings are an ideal choice for professional musicians due to their high dynamic range and volume as well as its beautiful warm and sweet sound. These strings are easily playable and have an excellent bow response.

The Rondo D string for viola is Chrome Wound with a synthetic core

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Rondo Viola String - D - Medium

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