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Versum Cello String, Solo G - medium - 4/4

  • Precio: 107.30 USD
  • Fabricante: Thomastik-Infeld
  • Marca: Versum Solo
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: SVMS34

  • Versum Cello String, , Solo G - medium - 4/4 de Thomastik-Infeld.

Versum Solo strings were designed for profound power, ideal response and optimal projection - and they deliver! With effortless virtuosity they are poised to enhance the performances of even the most discerning players and cut through any acoustical situation.

Versum Solo G- and C-strings embody an as yet unrivalled synthesis of explosive dynamics and graceful flexibility with the best possible response. Their solid, deep core tone is surprising with its brilliant and vivid note. Their modulation capability is just as exceptional: whether soft and sweet piano, valiant fortissimo passages or simply the earthy response.

Combined with Versum Solo A- and D-strings, the descant strings sound even livelier and more dynamic. At the same time, they support an exquisite sound with vocal quality.

  • Powerful Body
  • Soloistic Brilliance
  • Maximum Resilience

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Versum Cello String, Solo G - medium - 4/4

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