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Versum Cello Solo A String - medium - 4/4

  • Precio: 43.25 USD
  • Marca: Versum Solo
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: SVMS30

The Versum Solo Cello A strings impresses with its richly smooth, saturated warm tone colors and soloistic brilliance. Even in full performance it does not compromise in sound, both in the delicate Pianissimo as well as the rich Fortissimo and still offers the diverse tonal palette a cellist needs on stage.

Versum Solo strings were designed for profound power, ideal response and optimal projection - and they deliver! With effortless virtuosity they are poised to enhance the performances of even the most discerning players and cut through any acoustical situation.

When combined with Spirocore G and C cello strings, the Versum Solo strings produce impeccable focus and maximum power and when combined with Versum G and C strings, they offer warmth and brilliance.

  • Powerful Body
  • Soloistic Brilliance
  • Maximum Resilience

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Versum Cello Solo A String - medium - 4/4

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