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Thomastik-Infeld Rondo Experience Cello A String - medium - 4/4

  • Precio: 59.91 USD
  • Fabricante: Thomastik-Infeld
  • Marca: Rondo
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Material: Steel Core
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: STRE30

  • Thomastik-Infeld Rondo Experience Cello String, A - medium - 4/4 de Thomastik-Infeld.

Thomastik Infeld Rondo cello strings are powerful and focused as well as sweet, delicate and velvet like. They allow more flexibility allowing players more variety of colour and volume

The Thomastik-Infeld RONDO Experience® RO41XP is a very vibrant string and offers an exceptional amount of sparkle and overtone richness compared to the regular RO41. It reacts even faster to bowing impulses from the right hand and at the same time produces a clear, distinct sound with minimum effort from the left hand.

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Thomastik-Infeld Rondo Experience Cello A String - medium - 4/4

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