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Larsen Magnacore Arioso Cello D String - medium

  • Precio: 53.19 USD
  • Fabricante: Larsen
  • Marca: Magnacore Arioso
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: SLM33M

  • Larsen Magnacore Arioso Cello String, D - medium de Larsen.

The Larsen Magnacore Arioso Cello D String, together with the Arioso A, has joined the Arioso G and C string to complete the Magnacore ® Arioso set. Experience a new freedom of expression without a compromise in power. Well suited to both older Italian as well as modern instruments.

The Magnacore Arioso G and C cello strings deliver a lower tension without compromising sound volume.

Made in Denmark.

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Larsen Magnacore Arioso Cello D String - medium

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