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Bach - 6 Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin (BAR)

  • Precio: 18.72 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Sub Category: Violín solo
  • Compositor: Bach, Johann Sebastian
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • Redactor: Haußwald, Günter
  • ISBN: M006464890
  • Genre: Conservatorio Real
  • Grado RCM: 8D, 9D, ED, TD
  • # Producto: BACH156

  • Edited by Günter Hausswald

Johann Sebastian Bach’s cycle of three sonatas and three partitas for unaccompanied violin represents an uncontested point of culmination in western music for the violin. The pieces set new standards both in instrumental performance and compositional technique standards that have lost none of their currency over the years.

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Bach - 6 Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin (BAR)

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