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Classical Kids Mr. Bach Comes to Call CD

  • Precio: 11.76 USD
  • Editora: The Children's Group
  • ISBN: 1895404711
  • # Producto: HAMMO004

Classical Kids Mr. Bach Comes to Call CD
A Symphony of Stories for all Ages
An adventure in time and space
The Story: After the dramatic send-off of his music into space aboard Voyager II, Mr. Bach, along with his magic orchestra and choir, drops in on a little girl as she practices the piano.
The Music: Over two dozen excerpts, including Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Brandenburg Concerto #5, Flute Sonatas and Badinerie, Air for the G-string, Golberg Variations, piano minuets and preludes, organ music and Choral Cantata #78.

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Classical Kids Mr. Bach Comes to Call CD
Classical Kids Mr. Bach Comes to Call CD

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