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Classical Kids Daydreams and Lullabies CD

  • Precio: 11.75 USD
  • Editora: The Children's Group
  • ISBN: 1895404797
  • # Producto: HAMMO016

Classical Kids Daydreams and Lullabies
A Symphony of Stories for all Ages
A celebration of poetry, song and classical music
The Story: Follow a young family from playtime to dream time through the nursery, the park, the streets of Olde London and off to bed. Newborns to 90-year-olds will enjoy this magical mix of classical music, classic poetry and poems written and performed by children.
The Music: Daydreams & Lullabies features a rich variety of the great classical lullabies, rounds for family singing and traditional English songs. Includes the music of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Schubert, Pachelbel, Tchaikovsky and Humperdinck's Hansel & Gretel.

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Classical Kids Daydreams and Lullabies CD
Classical Kids Daydreams and Lullabies CD

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