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Flexocor Deluxe Cello G Tungsten String

  • Precio: 41.67 USD
  • Fabricante: Pirastro
  • Marca: Flexocor Deluxe
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Material: Steel Core, Tungsteno
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: SXD34

  • Flexocor Deluxe Cello String, G Tungsten de Pirastro.

The Pirastro Flexocor Cello Strings provide a very deep and warm tone combined with a robust sound volume. The set has a balanced sound spectrum with seamless string to string transitions allowing effortless playability.

Flexocor Deluxe A- and D-strings are made with a solid steel core which is wound with chrome steel. The G- and C-strings have a rope steel core which is wound with tungsten.

  • The strings have a direct and effortless response, particularly on the lower strings
  • Easy playability and a pleasant playing feel
  • Relief of the instrument through a soft to medium string tension
  • Excellent tuning stability and immediately playable
  • All of the strings are nickel free.

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Flexocor Deluxe Cello G Tungsten String

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