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Jargar Evoke Cello D String - medium - 4/4

  • Precio: 49.29 USD
  • Fabricante: Jargar
  • Marca: Evoke
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Material: Carbon Steel, Multi-aleación
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • Calibre: Medium
  • # Producto: SJE32M

  • Jargar Evoke Cello String, D - medium - 4/4 de Jargar.

The Jargar 'Evoke' D Stringis designed to power the projection of your instrument and your personality. Evoke gives you a brilliant, round and focused sound with elegant timbre. And they respond immediately to your every change in intonation and articulation. Smooth and easy under your fingertips and with the well-known Jargar Strings stability they allow you to project like never before and give that powerful performance you´re eager to present with ease.

  • A: Gives a fine, brilliant and direct sound with multiple articulation possibilities.
  • D: Is a fine round sounding string with a powerful projection and a direct response.
  • G: Gives a focused, round and crystal clear sound with a noble timbre and slightly metallic overtones.
  • C: Gives a focused, round and crystal clear sound with a noble timbre and slightly metallic overtones.

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Jargar Evoke Cello D String - medium - 4/4

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