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Knoll Brazilwood Bass Bow - French - 3/4

  • Prix: 399.26 USD
  • Fabricant: Knoll
  • Instrument: Contrebasse
  • Matériel: Brazilwood
  • Taille: 3/4
  • # Produit: BL43F3

The BL43F series is an affordable bow made in French style, suitable for amateurs, beginners, and advancing students.

Brazilwood, French model, ebony frog, half mounted, black horsehair, leather grip. Stamped Knoll.

Retourner à Archets de contrebasse Knoll - Classe intermédiaire catégorie
Knoll Brazilwood Bass Bow - French - 3/4
Knoll Brazilwood Bass Bow - French - 3/4Knoll Brazilwood Bass Bow - French - 3/4

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