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The ABC's of Cello for the Advanced Book 3

  • Prix: 14.48 USD
  • Instrument: Violoncelle
  • Instrumentation: Méthodes de Violoncelle
  • Sous-catégorie: Cello Methods, Studies, Scales & Excerpts
  • Éditeur: Carl Fischer
  • Éditeur/Arrangeur: Rhoda, Janice Tucker
  • Publisher Code: ABC17
  • ISBN: 825838894
  • # Produit: RHODA027

  • The ABC's of Cello for the Advanced Book 3 publié par Carl Fischer.

Book 3/Cello.

Table of Contents:

    1. Lesson 1: Warm-ups and Fun Pieces covering all the strings of the cello
    2. Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
    3. First Nowell
    4.Home Sweet Home
    5. The More We Get Together
    6. Strolling Through the Park
    7. Over the River and Through the Woods
    8. George Washington
    9. Lesson 2: Spiccato
    10. Espana
    11. This Land is Your Land
    12. Lesson 3: Forward Extentions (Extended First Position)
    13. Au Claire De La Lune
    14. Aura Lee
    15. Kerry Dance
    16. The Mulberry Bush
    17. Lesson 4: Double Stops
    18. Everything's Coming Up Roses
    19. Fiddler's Holiday
    20.Lesson 5: B flat is a low 1 in Extended 2nd Position on the G-String
    21. Oh, Susanna
    22. E flat is a low 1 in Extended 2nd Position on the G-String
    23. Fiddle-De-Dee
    24. Lesson 6: Third Position on the D-String
    25. Dancing Tigers
    26. Good Night Ladies
    27. Lesson 7: Third Position On The A-String
    28. Yankee Doodle
    29. Hush, Little Baby
    30. Oh, Shenandoah
    31. Lesson 8: Third Position On The G-String
    32. The Streets of Laredo
    33. Reuben and Rachel
    34. Lesson 9: Third Position On The C-String
    35. Polly Wolly Doodle
    36. Lesson 10: More Favorite Melodies In 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Positions
    37. Old Kentucky Home
    38. Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair
    39. When Irish Eyes are Smiling
    40. Up On The House Top
    41. Short'nin Bread
    42. The Lassie
    43. The Singing Strad
    44. Melody in F
    45. Young Mozart
    46. Yellow Rose of Texas
    47. Lesson 11: Extended 3rd Position
    48. Annie Laurie
    49. The Farmer
    50.Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
    51. Robin Redbreast
    52. Waltzing Matilda
    53. School Time
    54. Lesson 12: D Harmonic-Minor
    55.Bach Meditation
    56. Courante Study
    57. 7 Major Scales and 7 Arpeggios
    58. 4 Natural-Minor Scales and Arpeggios
    60. Practise Charts

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