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Flying Fiddle Duets for Two Violas, Book One

  • Prix: 11.65 USD
  • Instrument: Alto
  • Compositeur: Harvey, Myanna
  • Éditeur: C. Harvey Publications
  • Publisher Code: CHP268
  • ISBN: 978-0692394335
  • # Produit: HARVE064

  • Flying Fiddle Duets for Two Violas, Book One publié par C. Harvey Publications.

Fabulously Fun Fiddle Duets! Flying Fiddle Duets for Two Violas gives you 19 rhythmic, energetic fiddle duets that will have your toes tapping and bring joy into your playing. The duets are all in first position and can be played by violists at a first-year, early-intermediate level or later. Melodies are interwoven between the two parts so both violists have a chance to play the melodies. While this book is not compatible with Flying Fiddle Duets for Two Violins, Book One, check out Flying Fiddle Duets for Violin and Viola (CHP344) if you'd like to play with a violinist. Teachers: These viola duets can be played by a teacher and student or by two students.

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