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Faure - 4 Melodies for Cello and Piano (BAR)

  • Prix: 15.91 USD
  • Instrument: Violoncelle
  • Sous-catégorie: Violoncelle & Clavier
  • Compositeur: Fauré, Gabriel
  • Éditeur: Bärenreiter
  • Éditeur/Arrangeur: Remy-Schumacher, Tess, Staudt, Michael
  • ISBN: M006498758
  • Niveau RCM: 7B
  • # Produit: FAURE023

  • Edited by Michael Staudt & Tess Remy-Schumacher

Gabriel Fauré (1845-7924) was among the leading French song composers of the fin de siècle. His songs combine to perfection the qualities of the French "mélodie": its flowing cantabile, its subtle harmonisation and its lyric impulse.

This volume gives cellists and their duo partners on the piano an opportunity to form an acquaintance with Fauré's art through their own performances.

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Faure - 4 Melodies for Cello and Piano (BAR)
Faure - 4 Melodies for Cello and Piano (BAR)Faure - 4 Melodies for Cello and Piano (BAR)

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