The Sound Post

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The Philharmonic Gets Dressed

  • Prix: 6.52 USD
  • Auteur: Kuskin, Karla
  • Éditeur: HarperCollins
  • # Produit: 046594004956

  • The Philharmonic Gets Dressed publié par HarperCollins.

Ages 4 to 8

It is Friday evening. The sky is getting darker and darker. Here and there, all around the city, one hundred and five people are getting ready to go to work. Some of them take showers, others bathe. Some shave or trim their mustaches, others put on dusting powder and a little jewelry. Then they all get into special black and white clothes and travel to midtown with their instruments. There, at 8:30, they will work together, playing beautiful music in an orchestra.

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The Philharmonic Gets Dressed

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