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Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano

  • Precio: 18.75 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Sub Category: Violín y piano
  • Compositor: Various
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • Redactor: Speckert, George A.
  • Publisher Code: 10605
  • ISBN: 9790006541928
  • # Producto: SPECK008

  • Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano publicado por Bärenreiter.

George Speckert's edition presents film themes in easy attractive arrangements for violin and piano.

Besides top titles by Hans Zimmer, Lalo Shifrin and Harold Arlen, the volume includes classical themes that have gained popularity through their use in films, for example Johannes Brahms' Hungarian Dance memorably used in -The Great Dictator as well as Johann Strauss' -The Blue Danube used in 2001 - A Space Odyssey.

Less well-known is the fact that Walt Disney was praised for his masterly use of classical music in one of his first full-length films, Fantasia, and that Stanley Kubrick also used great classical works very effectively in practically all his films. The melodies in this edition are easy to sight-read and are certainly fun to play.

From the contents
Melodies from Mission Impossible, The Fifth Element, Pirates of the Caribbean, Fantasia, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, The Great Dictator, and others.

The arranger
George Speckert is renowned for his arrangements and compositions for numerous Bärenreiter editions. He is a composer, author and teacher for multi-media production as well as e-learning.

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Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano
Popular Movie Hits for Violin and PianoPopular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano

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