Sacred Settings - Cello publicado por Neil A. Kjos Music Company.
Arrangements for Strings/Optional Winds & Brass/Keyboard
Table of Contents
1. A Mighty Fortress
2. Abide With Me
3. Amazing Grace
4. Austrian Hymn
5. Ave Verum Corpus
6. Christ the Lord is Risen
7. Come, Thou Almighty King
8. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
9. Crusader's Hymn
10. The Doxology
11. Faith of Our Fathers
12. For the Beauty of the Earth
13. The Heavens Resound
14. Lead, Kindly Light
15. Nearer, My God, to Thee
16. Now Thank We All Our God
17. Now the Day is Over
18. O God, Our Help in Ages Past
19. O Worship the King
20. Onward, Christian Soldiers
21. Prayer of Thanksgiving
22. Rock of Ages
23. Softly Now the Light of Day
24. Sweet Hour of Prayer