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The ABC's of Cello Piano Accompaniment for Book 2

  • Precio: 14.33 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violonchelo
  • Editora: Carl Fischer
  • Redactor: Rhoda, Janice Tucker
  • Publisher Code: ABC16
  • ISBN: 825838886
  • Grado RCM: 1B, 2B
  • # Producto: RHODA018

  • The ABC's of Cello Piano Accompaniment for Book 2 publicado por Carl Fischer.

Piano Acc. for Book 2.

Table of Contents:

1. The Merry Widow Waltz (Lehar)
2. Russian Folk Song (Beethoven)
3. Turkey in the Straw
4.The Lost Horizon (Ha-Ofek-He-Avud)
5. Hannukah Song (Holiday Song))
6. Cherry Blossoms
7. Country Gardens
8. Oats and Beans
9. Pin the Tail on the Donkey
10. Surprise Symphony
11. The Native's Chant
12. Row Your Boat
13. Three Blind Mice
14. Joy to the World
15. Hot Cross Buns
16. Gentle Breezes (Soyokaze)
17. Tourelay
18. Deck the Halls
19. Auld Lang Syne
20. Whistle a Tune
21. Hop Scotch
22. Early One Morning
23. Beautiful Dreamer
24. Minuet
25. Gigue Study
26. Amazing Grace
27. Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
28. Monkey and the Elephant
29. Swinging High!
30. Old Folks at Home
31. School is out!
32. Dancing Partners
33. The King's Jester
34. China Sea
35. Lullaby
36. Scarborough Fair
37. This Old Man
38. The Lucky Leprechaun
39. Old Mc Donald
40. A Paris
41. Bobbing for Apples-Jig
42. Study No. 3
43.Practise Planners

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