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Sassmannshaus Early Start on The Cello - Volume 1

  • Precio: 16.66 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violonchelo
  • Compositor: Saßmannshaus, Egon
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • # Producto: SASSM012

For more than three decades the ' Sassmannshaus Tradition' has been the household name for excellence in beginner string methods in German-speaking countries.

More than half a million stu de nts have successfully learned to play string instruments using this publication. The publication of the four violin books in 2008 in a fully adapted English version has been a big success.

On the back of this success story Bärenreiter has now published the four books for cello in a newly adapted version for today's English speaking children.

What makes this cello method so unique?

- The leading German cello method now available in English.
- Large print notes and texts as well as many colourful illustrations are ideal for pre-school as well as school children.
- Note reading is emphasised from the first lesson, encouraging ensemble playing from the very beginning.
- Songs and scales in different positions are easily mastered within the first year of playing to ensure that children are not confined to first position playing.
- Advanced cello techniques such as varied bow strokes and shifting are introduced in a basic form

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Sassmannshaus Early Start on The Cello - Volume 1
Sassmannshaus Early Start on The Cello - Volume 1Sassmannshaus Early Start on The Cello - Volume 1

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