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Passacaglia and Tema For Solo Cello
- Instrument: Violonchelo
- Sub Category: Violonchelo solo
- Compositor: Walton, William
- Editora: Oxford University Press
- Publisher Code: 9780193366206
- ISBN: 9780193366206
- # Producto: WALTO012
Passacaglia and Tema For Solo Cello publicado por Oxford University Press.
Two Pieces for Solo Cello
The Passacaglia for Violoncello Solo, one of Walton's last works, was commissioned by Mstislav Rostropovich and first performed in 1982.
The short Tema, published for the first time, was written in 1970 as part of a collective composition for the Prince of Wales.
- Tema (per Variazioni) per Cello Solo
- Passacaglia for Violoncello Solo
Volver a Violonchelo

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