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The New Modern Method for Cello Vol 1

  • Precio: 23.33 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violonchelo
  • Compositor: De'ak, Stephen
  • Editora: Presser
  • Publisher Code: 414-41237
  • ISBN: 978-1-4911-3794-9
  • # Producto: DEAK010

  • The New Modern Method for Cello Vol 1 publicado por Presser.

First published in 1929, Stephen De’ak’s two-volume Modern Method for Cello remains a timeless and beloved resource for new and developing cellists at every stage of practice and performance. A student of David Popper, De’ak presents a thoughtful and thorough method for beginning cellists with a detailed focus on fundamentals, including posture and balance of the bow and left hand.

Unlike many other methods, the Modern Method spends considerable time developing note-recognition and tone production by isolating a skill or concept in a single exercise. These include open string and bow distribution exercises, as well as systematic left hand practice focusing on one or two notes at a time.

This careful approach in the beginning allows the new player to reinforce important right- and left-hand skills before attempting performance pieces. Sequential scales and exercises in various keys and positions are supplemented with songs and tuneful etudes, allowing the player to apply practical technique to expressive performance. These etudes are both pedagogical and performance-worthy, rich with musicality and charm.

The musical and technical concepts presented in this method can be learned in any order at the teacher’s discretion to best serve the student. Revisions in this new edition include additional instruction, clarification of fingerings with shifting indications, updated melodies, and a beautiful new engraving. The wealth of practice and performance repertoire in The New Modern Method for Cello, Volume 1 makes this book a valuable addition to every cellist’s library. Volume 2 offers training in higher positions and thumb position, advanced left-hand and bowing techniques, and musical exercises including 29 concert studies. These etudes, often heard in recitals, were designed by De’ak as the perfect stepping stone to Popper’s High School of Cello Playing.

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The New Modern Method for Cello Vol 1The New Modern Method for Cello Vol 1

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