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The Cello Etude System

  • Precio: 14.51 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Duo de violonchelos
  • Compositor: Harvey, Cassia
  • Editora: C. Harvey Publications
  • Publisher Code: CHP411
  • ISBN: 9781635232707
  • # Producto: HARVE065

  • The Cello Etude System publicado por C. Harvey Publications.

    Part 0: Beginning Studies Duet Book

The Cello Etude System presents both rare and classic etudes, interspersed with newly written material, providing cello teachers and students with a library of essential resources for teaching and learning cello. Recognizing that students learn at different speeds, The Cello Etude System books allow cellists to learn at either a relaxed pace or an accelerated pace.

With works by Schroeder, Nolck, Werner, Davidov, Romberg, and more, this book has a huge array of rare studies for beginning cello. Where duet parts were not already written, Myanna Harvey has composed cello accompaniment parts so that a teacher can play along with the student on every etude. This is especially helpful in working on rhythm and early chamber music skills!

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The Cello Etude System

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