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At the Zoo

  • Precio: 18.63 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Violonchelo y piano
  • Compositor: Cofalik, Antoni, Twardowski, Romuald
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • ISBN: M006531639
  • Grado RCM: 1B, 2A, 3C, 4C, PA
  • # Producto: COFAL002

Young cellists (and their teachers and parents) will have fun taking this musical promenade through the zoo. Animals from A to Z help young learners to master cello techniques and skills in a spirit of fun. Tiny ants form caravans with minuscule footsteps, a lion roars in two-part counterpoint, a seal frolics in a liquid 6/8, and two little donkeys draw attention with daring glissandos.

The colour illustrations by the well-known Polish artist Marcin Bruchnalski whet the curiosity for each piece and capture its character with a wink of the eye.

- Easy cello pieces with piano accompaniment
- Teaches technical skills in a spirit of fun
- Imaginative melodies
- Colourful illustrations

The Authors
Antoni Cofalik , Polish violin teacher and author of the well-known violin tutor "Das Geigen -ABC"

Romuald Twardowski , pianist and composer

Marcin Bruchnalski , schoolbook illustrator and cartoonist

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At the ZooAt the Zoo

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