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Tchaikovsky - Orchestral Works for Double Bass (ZIMM)

  • Precio: 26.40 USD
  • Instrument: Contrabajo
  • Instrumentación: Partes y pasajes orquestales para contrabajo
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para contrabajo
  • Compositor: Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
  • Editora: Zimmerman Publications
  • Redactor: Zimmerman, Oscar G.
  • Publisher Code: ZIM05
  • # Producto: TCHAI032

  • Tchaikovsky - Orchestral Works for Double Bass (ZIMM) publicado por Zimmerman Publications.

The editor has indicated standard bowings asked for by most conductors, and has also added notes below contra-E which fit into the melodic line. The double bass used at the time of Tschaikowsky did not go below the contra-E, thus lower notes were raised an octave. If the player has either the low C extension or a five string bass, it is suggested that they play the lower notes where indicated.

Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5
Symphony No.6
Piano Concerto No.1
Violin Concerto
March Slav
Francesca da Rimini
Romeo and Juliet
Capriccio Italien
String Serenade
1812 Overture
Nutcracker Suite
Theme and Variations from Suite No.3
Mozartiana (Suite No.4)

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Tchaikovsky - Orchestral Works for Double Bass (ZIMM)
Tchaikovsky - Orchestral Works for Double Bass (ZIMM)

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