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Solo Time for Strings - Book 4

  • Precio: 7.45 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo, String Orquesta
  • Instrumentación: Violonchelo, Métodos para violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violonchelo, Métodos para clase de cuerdas
  • Editora: Alfred Publishing Company, Inc.
  • Redactor: Etling, Forest R.
  • Publisher Code: 13084
  • ISBN: 0739010166
  • Genre: Suzuki
  • # Producto: ETLIN017

  • Solo Time for Strings - Book 4 publicado por Alfred Publishing Company, Inc..

Table of Contents:

    1. Andantino, Lemare
    2. Andante, Gluck
    3. March from Scipio, Handel
    4. Aria, Giordani
    5.Minuet, Bach
    6. La Cinquantaine, Gabriel-Marie
    7. On Wings of Song, Mendelssohn
    8. Minuetto, Beethoven
    9. Petite Bouree, de Prosee
    10. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach
    11. Air Varie, de Beriot
    12. Sonatina, Breval
    13. Bouree, Handel
    14. Bolero, Dancla
    15. Passe Pied, Gillet
    16. Cavatine, Schmidt
    17. Sonatina, Pleyel
    18. Ave Maria, Gounod
    19. Allegro, Marcello
    20. Andante Cantabile, Tschaikowsky
    21. The Swan, Saint-Saens
    22. Allegro, Mozart
    23. Menuet in G, Beethoven
    24. Madrigale, Simonetti

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Solo Time for Strings - Book 4
Solo Time for Strings - Book 4Solo Time for Strings - Book 4

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