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Bartók-Zathureczky - For Children for Violin and Piano (EMB)

  • Precio: 14.63 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Sub Category: Violín y piano
  • Compositor: Bartók, Béla, Zathureczky, Ede
  • Editora: Edition Musica Budapest
  • Publisher Code: 50510806
  • Grado RCM: 1A, 1B, 2A
  • # Producto: BARTO016

  • Bartók-Zathureczky - For Children for Violin and Piano (EMB) publicado por Edition Musica Budapest.

Children's pieces for violin with piano accompaniment. This series was luanched in 2015 to mark the 70th anniversary of Béla Bartók's death. It involves new editions of our classic publications as well as several new transcriptions that fulfill in every respect the strict aesthetic demands of the earlier ones.

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Bartók-Zathureczky - For Children for Violin and Piano (EMB)
Bartók-Zathureczky - For Children for Violin and Piano (EMB)

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