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Family Favourites CD

  • Precio: 13.00 USD
  • Editora: Music Together
  • # Producto: GUILM001

For the first time, Music Together is offering a special compilation CD of favorite songs directly to the public for use in homes and preschools.

"Music Together Family Favorites" contains nineteen outstanding songs and rhythmic rhymes drawn from all nine (9) Music Together song collections. It features original compositions as well as tunes from the folk, jazz, and world music traditions. This artfully produced recording includes a wide range of tonalities and meters, vital for expanding children's music experience and understanding. The accompanying illustrated 32-page booklet offers activities for each song, so parents and young children (ages 0-6) can play together musically. Research has shown that active music-making with a loved one helps young children gain a disposition for and love of music while supporting their rhythmic and tonal growth.

Buy a copy today, and enjoy it with your young child and other family members for hours of music-making fun. What a great gift this sampler makes, too - to child and family alike. Enjoy!

1. Hello Song
2. Biddy Biddy
3. Splishing and Splashing
4. Ridin in the Car
5. Stick Tune
6. She Sells Sea Shells
7. Playin’ in the Kitchen
8. Palo, Palo
9. John the Rabbit
10. Spin and Stop
11. Mississippi Cats
12. One Little Owl
13. Goin for Coffee
14. Obwisana
15. I've Been Working on the Railroad
16. Dancing with Teddy
17. Allee Galloo
18. May All Children
19. Goodbye, So Long, Farewell

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Family Favourites CD

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