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Fun Improvisation for Piano - Book And CD

  • Precio: 20.52 USD
  • Autor: Kanack, Alice Kay
  • Editora: Summy-Birchard Inc.
  • ISBN: 0874877768
  • # Producto: KANAK008

  • The Philosophy and Method of Creative Ability Development

In a speech at the 1984 Matsumoto Summer Conference, Dr. Shinichi Suzuki nicknamed Alice Kanack "Mozart's mother" in response to her innovative work in the development of the creative part of the brain. He added to this his hope that as a result, someday all children might create their own music.

After twelve years of research and testing, the Fun Improvisation for... series was developed. Each book contains philosophical and practical advice on how to use the 28 musical exercises to develop a child's innate creative ability to its highest level. The basic instructions allow even a twinkler to use these exercises, while the advanced instructions provide a challenge to the most advanced player.

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Fun Improvisation for Piano - Book And CD

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