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Violin As I Teach It

  • Precio: 8.35 USD
  • Autor: Auer, Leopold
  • Editora: Dover Publications
  • ISBN: 0486239179
  • # Producto: AUER001

  • Violin As I Teach It publicado por Dover Publications.

This exemplary collection of principles and guidelines was set down by the master after a lifetime of playing and teaching. Auer taught by example, and he directs violin teachers to inculcate the intricacies of execution by means of the violin itself, not simply by verbal instruction. He then devotes the rest of his advice to the violin pupil: how to hold the violin and bow, how to practice, and how to approach such matters of technique as tone production, vibrato, bowing methods including the legato, left-handed technique, double stops, trills, pizzicato, harmonics, and phrasing. In the concluding chapters Auer takes up the more general topics of style, stage fright, changes in the violin repertory, and, of great historical interest, his practical repertory hints - what he gave his own students to play. Many of the book's chapters are illuminated by biographical details and anecdotes about famous musicians whom Auer knew: Davidov, Wieniawski, Seidel, Wilhemlj, Sarasate, von Bülow.

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