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Celebrate Theory - Level 9 - History

  • Precio: 41.00 USD
  • Instrument: Ninguno
  • Compositor: Various
  • Editora: Frederick Harris Music Co.
  • ISBN: 9781554408184
  • Genre: Conservatorio Real
  • # Producto: RCMCTH009

  • Celebrate Theory - Level 9 - History publicado por Frederick Harris Music Co..

Updated to reflect the Theory Syllabus, 2016 Edition, this engaging interactive approach features: - required material clearly presented - anecdotes and webquests provide a broader context - listening guides support the musical experience - supplemental activities encourage further exploration - review and reflection activities invite personal responses - study outlines reinforce learning and examination preparation Level 9 History An overview and introduction to: - the materials of music - the Baroque Era (Vivaldi, Bach, Handel) - the Classical Era (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven) - the Romantic Era (Schubert, Chopin, Berlioz, Bizet) - the Modern Era (Debussy, Stravinsky, Bernstein, Louie, Adams)

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Celebrate Theory - Level 9 - History

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