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Dizionario Dei Liutai Violinmakers '500-'800

  • Precio: 33.13 USD
  • Autor: Hertz, Xavier
  • Editora: Gordon V.Thompson
  • ISBN: 9788890097546
  • # Producto: HERTZ001

  • Dizionario Dei Liutai Violinmakers '500-'800 publicado por Gordon V.Thompson.

    Dictionary of Italian Violinmakers 1500-1800

Written in Italian and translated into English, this dictionary of Italian makers is a wonderful resource. Makers are classified first by the city where they worked and then listed alphabetically by surname.

The author lists dates of birth and death, styles and influences, often making reference to Henley and Hamma.

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Dizionario Dei Liutai Violinmakers

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