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Tutus, Tights and Tiptoes

  • Precio: 17.29 USD
  • Autor: Barber, David W.
  • Editora: Sound and Vision
  • ISBN: 0920151302
  • # Producto: BARBE034

  • Tutus, Tights and Tiptoes publicado por Sound and Vision.

Ballet History as It Ought to Be Taught
By David W. Barber
Cartoons by Dave Donald
Preface by Karen Kain

In Tutus, Tights and Tiptoes, popular music historian and humorist David W. Barber casts a wicked, witty and insightful eye at the history of ballet from its beginnings in the French court to its later heights in such classics as Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker and Swan Lake and more recent scandals such as the premiere of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, which shocked audiences and caused a riot in the seats. He also touches on other forms, from Morris dancing to modern jazz. And of country-and-western line dancing - well, the less said the better.

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