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The Inner Game of Music

  • Precio: 23.85 USD
  • Autor: Gallwey, W. Timothy, Green, Barry
  • Editora: Doubleday
  • ISBN: 0385231261
  • # Producto: 9780385231261

  • The Inner Game of Music publicado por Doubleday.

Inner Game of Music by Barry Green with Timothy W Gallwey.

1. The Mozart In Us
2. The Inner Game
3. The Inner Game Skills
4. The Power of Awareness
5. The Power of Will
6. The Power of Trust
7. Letting Go
8. Coping with Obstacles
9. Improving the Quality of Musical Experience
10. Teaching and Learning
11. The Inner Game Listener
12. Parent and Coach
13. Integration and Balance
14. Ensemble Playing
15. Improvisation, Composition, and Creativity

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The Inner Game of Music
The Inner Game of Music

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