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Imagery in Music

  • Precio: 6.20 USD
  • Autor: Coraggio, Peter
  • Editora: Neil A. Kjos Music Company
  • ISBN: 9780849762796
  • # Producto: CORRA003

  • Imagery in Music publicado por Neil A. Kjos Music Company.

    Italian Terms of Tempo, Character, and Spirit

Imagery In Music - Italian Expressive Terms of Tempo, Character, and Spirit Traditional piano instruction most often begins with the study of musical notation and grammar, but often does not emphasize the most fundamental component of expressive interpretation: the composer's verbal instructions for tempo, character, and spirit. Join in the fun as characters Maestro Profondo, Musabella, Agitato, Super-Note, Musetta, and Bravo learn to interpret Italian musical terms!

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Imagery in Music

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