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The Art Of Quartet Playing

  • Precio: 20.84 USD
  • Autor: Blum, David
  • Editora: Cornell University Press
  • ISBN: 9780801494567
  • # Producto: BLUM002

  • The Art Of Quartet Playing publicado por Cornell University Press.

    The Guarneri Quartet

How do four instrumentalists with strong individual tastes and temperaments manage to forge a distinctive approach to the music they play? This extraordinary book ushers readers into the workshop of one of the world's most accomplished string quartets.

In rich and probing conversations with their longtime friend and musicologist and conductor David Blum, the members of the Guarneri String Quartet, both individually as a group, tell what it is like to play together.

This collection of conversations with the Guarneri members explores all the most important facets of chamber-music playing.

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The Art Of Quartet Playing

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