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Performa Violin Shoulder Rest - Padauk Wood - 4/4

  • Precio: 97.81 USD
  • Fabricante: Cyrus Creations
  • Marca: Performa
  • Instrument: Violín
  • ISBN: 691054796980
  • Tamaño: 4/4
  • # Producto: PCPW10

The Cyrus Creations Perfoma Shoulder Rest - Padauk Wood for violin is a fully customizable shoulder rest that features a wider surface area to distribute the instrument's weight and helps reduce discomfort and tension on the player when installed properly.

Included in the box:

  • 1 Performa Shoulder Rest Base
  • 2 Pads - 2mm (attached)
  • 5mm - Low, Medium and High Feet

Volver a Hombrera Cyrus Creations para violín categoría
Performa Violin Shoulder Rest - Padauk Wood - 4/4
Performa Violin Shoulder Rest - Padauk Wood - 4/4Performa Violin Shoulder Rest - Padauk Wood - 4/4

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