Inicio > Tienda en Línea > Partituras > Categorías por Instrumento > Violonchelo
Violoncello Method
Violoncello Method
By Carl Schröder
Contents Part I The Violoncello - Holding of the Instrument - Guiding of the Bowing - Tuning
Position of the left hand - Name of the parts of the violoncello and bow
Rudiments of Music
Exercises on Open Strings
The Placing of Fingers
Exercises on all strings with accompaniment of second violoncello
Major Scales (C Major Scale)
Slurred Notes
Exercises with Slurred Notes
Finger Exercises
Scale of G Major
Scales of D Major
Scale of A Major
Scale of F Major
Scale of B flat Major
Scale of E flat Major
Relative Minors of the Preceding Major Scales
Part II
The first four positions
The half position
Scales in the different positions
Exercises in various positions with accompaniment of a second violoncello
The Tenor Clef
Part III
The Thumb Position
The Treble or Violin Clef
Exercises with accompaniment of a second violoncello
Exercises for the Thumb Position in connection with the lower positions
Double Stops
Volver a Violonchelo

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