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Father Sun and Mother Moon CD - Soulful songs for children

  • Precio: 13.86 USD
  • Fabricante: One Girl Media + Design
  • # Producto: SALOM002

Father Sun and Mother Moon - Soulful songs for children
sung by Leah Salomaa

Home and Family Songs:
1. Little Acorn
2. Mama's Little Baby
3. Bling Blang
4. Circle of the Sun
5. I am a Child

Play Songs:
6. I'se the Bye
7. Kid's Jig
8. Mary Mac
9. The Flu and the Bumble Bee
10. I'll Tell Me Ma
11. Make New Friends

Dreams in Nature:
12. Camp Medley
13. Moon and Stars
14. Balloo Ballerie
15. Wraggle Taggle Gypsies
16. Fairy Suite

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Father Sun and Mother Moon CD - Soulful songs for children
Father Sun and Mother Moon CD - Soulful songs for childrenFather Sun and Mother Moon CD - Soulful songs for children

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