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The ABC's of Violin for the More Advanced Book 4

  • Precio: 12.22 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para violín
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violín
  • Compositor: Rhoda, Janice Tucker
  • Editora: Carl Fischer
  • Publisher Code: ABC19
  • ISBN: 0825836395
  • # Producto: RHODA010

  • The ABC's of Violin for the More Advanced Book 4 publicado por Carl Fischer.

A violin method book that's fun for both children and adults, includes classical and poplular melodies. Features 2nd position.

Table of Contents:
1. Buzzbee (Cartoon Character Theme) - J.T. Rhoda
2. Fiddle Study - J.T. Rhoda
3. The Bell Tower - J.T. Rhoda
4. Heifetz Study - J.T. Rhoda
5. Coventry Carol - 15th Century English Carol
6. Hebrew Meditation - J.T. Rhoda
7. Marche Slav - Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
8. Improvisation I - J.T. Rhoda
9. Improvisation II - J.T. Rhoda

Second Position:
1. À Paris - French Folk Song
2. China Sea - J.T. Rhoda
3. The Gypsy Dance - J.T. Rhoda
4. Yankee Doodle - American Folk Song
5. Old MacDonald - American Folk Song
6. Hush, Little Baby - American Folk Song
7. Short'nin' Bread - American Folk Song
8. Kerry Dance - Irish Folk Song
9. Fiddle-De-Dee - American Folk Song
10. Polly Wolly Doodle - American Folk Song
11. Oh, Suzannah - Stephen Foster
12. Ring Around the Rosie - English Folk Song
13. Up On the House Top - American Folk Song
14. Oh, Shenandoah - American Folk Song
15. L'enfant - French Folk Song
16. Old Kentucky Home - Stephen Foster
17. Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair - Stephen Foster

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