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Emanuel Feuermann

  • Precio: 41.44 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Autor: Morreau, Annette
  • Editora: Yale University Press
  • ISBN: 0300096844
  • # Producto: MORRE001

  • Emanuel Feuermann publicado por Yale University Press.

The meteoric career of the Austrian cellist Emanuel Feuermann ended with his sudden and tragic death in 1942, aged only thirty-nine. A brilliant soloist and chamber performer, many expected him to inherit from Pablo Casals the reputation of the greatest cellist of the time.
This new biography of Feuermann - a rich combination of documentary and oral history and gripping narrative - discusses his life, work and legacy, and gives him the place in musical history that he was denied by his early death.

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Emanuel Feuermann
Emanuel Feuermann

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