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Magic Carpet for Violin

  • Precio: 13.05 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violín
  • Compositor: Martin, Joanne
  • Editora: Alfred Publishing Company, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0739046217
  • Grado RCM: PB
  • # Producto: MARTI148

  • Magic Carpet for Violin publicado por Alfred Publishing Company, Inc..

    Pieces for Youngest Beginner, book and CD

Magic Carpet is a collection of audience-pleasing concert pieces for the youngest beginners. These pieces can be used in either a reading-based or Suzuki teaching environment, and teachers can choose whether the children learn them by reading or by ear. Magic Carpet is available for violin, viola, and cello students, with a separate book (with CD) and piano accompaniment for each instrument.

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Magic Carpet for Violin
Magic Carpet for ViolinMagic Carpet for Violin

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