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The Joplin Album for String Trio - Score
- Instrument: Música de cámara
- Instrumentación: Violin, viola y violonchelo
- Sub Category: Trio de cuerdas
- Editora: Latham Music
- Redactor: Latham, Lynne
- Publisher Code: 702509
- # Producto: LATHA059A
The Joplin Album for String Trio - Score publicado por Latham Music.
Violin, Viola, and Cello (with optional Violin 2 for Viola)
The Joplin Album for String Trio - Score arranged by Lynne Latham.
Table of Contents
- 1. Pineapple Rag
- 2. Country Club Rag
- 3. Pleasant Moments
- 4. Paragon Rag
- 5. Solace
- 6. The Chrysanthemum
- 7. Peacherine Rag
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