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Haydn - Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Hob.VIIb:1 (HEN)

  • Precio: 22.89 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Violonchelo y piano
  • Compositor: Haydn, Joseph
  • Editora: Henle
  • Redactor: Ginzel, Reiner
  • ISBN: M201804170
  • Grado RCM: TA
  • # Producto: HAYDN086

  • Edited by Reiner Ginzel

Joseph Haydn's concertos for violoncello and orchestra stand out for their lightness and elegance. The Concerto in C major Hob. VIIb:1 was most likely written between 1762 and 1765, when Haydn was already in service as Kapellmeister, or music director, to Prince Esterhazy.

The concerto was for a long time known only through an entry by Haydn in his handwritten catalog of works, and the music itself was unknown. It was not until 1961 that a copy of the work was found, and since then it has successfully held its own against the Concerto in D major Hob. VII:2.

The services of Haydn specialist Sonja Gerlach have been obtained for this edition of the concerto with piano accompaniment. She enriches the Urtext edition with a detailed preface that also examines focuses on the execution of the ornaments and the cadenzas.

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Haydn - Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Hob.VIIb:1 (HEN)
Haydn - Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Hob.VIIb:1 (HEN)

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