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The Inner Game of Tennis

  • Precio: 14.73 USD
  • Autor: Gallwey, W. Timothy
  • # Producto: GALLW001

With more than 800,000 copies sold since it was first published thirty years ago, this phenomenally successful guide has become a touchstone for hundreds of thousands of people. Not just for tennis players or even just for athletes in general, this handbook works for anybody who wants to improve his or her performance in any activity, from playing music to getting ahead at work. W. Timothy Gallwey, a leading innovator in sports phsychology, reveals how to:

  • focus your mind to overcome nervousness, self-doubt and distractions
  • find the state of "relaxed concentration" that allows you to play your best
  • build skills by smart practice, then put it all together in match play

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The Inner Game of Tennis
The Inner Game of TennisThe Inner Game of Tennis

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