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Simon Fischer - Scales

  • Precio: 42.07 USD
  • Autor: Fischer, Simon
  • Editora: Edition Peters
  • # Producto: FISCH008

  • Simon Fischer - Scales publicado por Edition Peters.

    Scales and Scale Studies for the Violin

One of the central and original features of Scales by Simon Fischer is that scales are built up gradually, in order to develop good intonation.

Taking this approach beyond that developed by Carl Flesch in The Art of Violin Playing, each scale is also preceded by studies built up using the tonic, third, fifth and seventh. An extensive system of "held-down finger lines" further helps intonation and left-hand stability.

•exercises for finger preparation •exercises for smooth bowing •rhythm, accent and bowing patterns •a practice method to develop "fast" fingers •the turning point at the top of the scale •exercise for shifting

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Simon Fischer - Scales

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