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Simon Fischer - Practice

  • Precio: 69.10 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para violín
  • Sub Category: Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violín
  • Autor: Fischer, Simon
  • Compositor: Fischer, Simon
  • Editora: Edition Peters
  • ISBN: 1843670089
  • # Producto: FISCH007

250 step-by-step practice methods for the violin. The music examples in Practice, drawn from the standard solo violin repertoire, illustrate typical musical and technical demands that arise during the normal course of playing. By learning how to practice one passage, you learn how to practice other passages of the same type. With more than 750 music examples (chosen from over 100 works) and over 100 photographs, Practice is packed with ideas and information to help you get the very most out of every minute that you practice. Practice is intended just as much for the teacher as for the player. It offers a wide range of answers to the musical and technical problems that students typically present, and adds to any teacher's library of practise methods that they pass on to their students.

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Simon Fischer - Practice
Simon Fischer - PracticeSimon Fischer - Practice

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