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Allegro in G

  • Precio: 10.38 USD
  • Instrument: Violín
  • Sub Category: Violín y piano
  • Compositor: Fiocco, Joseph-Hector
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • Redactor: Sassmannshaus, Kurt
  • Grado RCM: 7C
  • # Producto: FIOCC008

The series "Bärenreiter's Concert Pieces" presents further editions with works by Oskar Rieding (BA 8982), Friedrich Seitz (BA 8979) and Joseph-Hector Fiocco (Ba 8977).
All editions contain a solo violin part and a piano part for the piano accompanist. The series is edited by Kurt Sassmannshaus, the internationally-renowned violin teacher and co-author of the Sassmannshaus violin school tradition.
His forewords introduce these little gems and include tips for successful first concerts. These editions form an ideal continuation of the Sassmannshaus violin school tradition and can be used in parallel from the third volume onwards or alongside any violin method.

The series will be continued and will introduce students to more demanding repertoire with a gradually increasing level of difficulty.

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Allegro in G
Allegro in G

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