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The Stolen Goldin Violin

  • Precio: 6.88 USD
  • Autor: Felt, Andy, Felt, Craig, Felt, Elizabeth Caulfield, Felt, Tom
  • Editora: Self-Published
  • ISBN: 9780984450701
  • # Producto: FELT001

  • The Stolen Goldin Violin publicado por Self-Published.

    Mystery at the American Suzuki Institute

When Bayly's Goldin violin diappears, Hunter, May and Sebastian vow to find the thief. However, institute is only a week long. Will they have time to compile the clues and solve the mystery?
This 131 page soft cover book is a fun read for children who play any instrument.

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The Stolen Goldin Violin
The Stolen Goldin Violin

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