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Great Classical Themes - Score/Parts

  • Precio: 28.18 USD
  • Instrument: Música de cámara
  • Instrumentación: 2 Violines, viola y violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Cuarteto de cuerdas
  • Compositor: Various
  • Editora: Warner Bros. Publications
  • Redactor: Esposito, Tony
  • Publisher Code: IF0333
  • ISBN: 076923304X
  • # Producto: ESPOS006

  • Great Classical Themes - Score/Parts publicado por Warner Bros. Publications.

Edited by Jeff Slutanoff and Tony Esposito.

Table of Contents

1. Prelude (Op. 3 No. 2) - Rachmaninoff
2. Musetta's Waltz Song (from La Bohème) - Puccini
3. Song of India (from the legend Sadko) - Rimsky-Korsakov
4. Pachelbel Canon in D - Pachelbel
5. Hungarian Dance No. 5 - Brahms
6. Clair de Lune - Debussy

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Great Classical Themes - Score/Parts
Great Classical Themes - Score/Parts

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